For the first time in years, the spot price of iron ore is below the average contractually negotiated iron ore price, which now is about$ 90. 这也是多年来铁矿石现货价格首次跌至合同协商平均价(目前是每吨约90美元)以下。
That leaves just alumina and fertilisers as the major commodities consumed by China whose price is still negotiated in long-term contracts. 由此,在中国消费的主要大宗商品中,仍通过长期合约商定价格的仅剩下了氧化铝与化肥。
Iron ore, coking coal, alumina and fertiliser are among the few key commodities whose price is still negotiated in annual contracts. 铁矿石、炼焦煤、氧化铝和化肥等,都属于少数几种价格仍通过年度合约谈判确定的关键商品。
All the products price are negotiated and will keep the same yearly. 所有产品价格经过商谈后在一年时间内会保持不变。
However, no division wants to simply recover its costs, so the actual transfer price would undoubtedly be greater than$ 8 according to what could be negotiated between the two divisional managers. 然而,没有部门仅想收回成本,因此实际转移价格无疑会大于8美元,确切数额视两部门协议而定。
The Irishman meanwhile grew impatient and sent off another letter stating that if Fang found the price too high, the price could be negotiated. He himself had always loved China, and as an educator, he was particularly averse to profit-seeking. 爱尔兰人等急了,又来封信,说如果价钱嫌贵,可以从长商议,本人素爱中国,办教育的人尤其不愿牟利。
Negotiated underwriting when the purchase price and Commission for underwriting a new issue are negotiated, as opposed to using the competitive bid process. 经磋商协议的承销费用即一项新发行的价格及承销佣金通过磋商议定,而并非通过竟标过程而制定。
A monetary price can be negotiated by buyers and sellers to enable trades to be made. 货币的价格可以由进行交易活动的买者和卖者协商决定。
It is not necessary to take into account of the original contract price when the price of the additional asset is separately negotiated. 议定该追加资产的造价时,不需要考虑原合同价款。
Posts on the forums usually list the type of information for sale, including names and addresses associated with the cards, and a price that can be negotiated. 论坛里经常发布一些信息出售清单,上面包括信用卡主的姓名和住址,明码标价,可以讨价还价。
Soon the price of iron ore leaving BHP Billiton's port in Western Australia will be based on market prices rather than negotiated annual contracts. 不久后,必和必拓(BHPBilliton)从这个西澳港口发运的铁矿石将采用市场价,而不再采用谈判达成的年度合约价。
For the translation of urgent articles and in minor languages, the price shall be negotiated according to specific situation. 紧急稿件及小语种稿件的翻译价格视具体情况另定。
In practice, the three most common transfer price employed is cost-based transfer price, market price-based transfer price, and negotiated price. 在实际工作中,常用的方法有三种:成本基础的内部转让价格,市价基础内部转让价格和协议价格。
The investors can buy or rent the shops in the city with the price to be negotiated by both parties. 城内商铺既可一次性买断,也可租赁,价格由双方商定。
Individual Chinese steelmakers signalled last week their dissatisfaction with price levels negotiated between Rio Tinto and leading steelmakers in Japan and South Korea, but Cisa's statement is the first formal rejection of the deal. 个别中国钢企上周表示,它们不满力拓与日韩主要钢企达成的价格协议,但中钢协的声明是对上述协议的首次正式拒绝,表明该协会正采取强硬立场。
With such economics, it might sell for$ 100 per share or more, and it might well also bring that price in a negotiated sale of the entire business. 有这样的经济状况,这支公司的股票可能卖价每股100美元或更高。而且还有可能在一个谈判卖出整个业务中获得如此的价格。
The land price for key industry project can be negotiated specifically. 重点工业项目可以实施一事一议。
Both the price and the terms of the deals at Citi and Merrill are still being negotiated. 科威特投资局投资花旗和美林交易的价格和条款目前仍在谈判之中。
I was asked to get a price discount from your company. Sometimes, however, voluntary quotas may be negotiated. 我专程来与贵公司商订降价协议。然而,有时可以通过谈判商订自愿配额。
The paper proposed median price as the negotiated standard between government and pharmaceutical factory so as to reduce over20percent medicine expense. 对此,提出用中位数价格作为政府与药厂议价的标准,可以降低20%或以上的药品费用。
The statutory licensing system in the American law is based on three principles: anti-monopolism, fair market price in negotiated terms, and maximizing the availability of creative works to the public. 美国法定许可制度以反垄断、市场定价和保护公众知情权为原则。